APM Stack Overview

Learn how to view and manage your APM stack in Logit.io

Lee Smith avatar
Written by Lee Smith
Updated over a week ago

What is a stack in APM?

In the context of Application Performance Monitoring (APM), a stack refers to the combination of software components, technologies, and services that make up your application's technology stack or architecture.

For the ingestion pipeline, this is the part of the stack responsible for collecting data from various sources and sending it to a central location for processing and storage. The ingestion pipeline typically includes components like data collectors, agents, and connectors that can pull data from sources such as applications, servers, databases, logs, and external services. Here you can utilize such services as managed Jaeger and Kafka, as well as view individual instance details and their health.

The storage layer of the stack is responsible for storing the collected data in a structured format, making it available for analysis and retrieval. You can use OpenSearch for powerful searching and storage capabilities as well as view nodes, instances and health details.

Regarding visualizers or visualization tools, these are the user-facing parts of the stack. They provide dashboards, charts, graphs, and reports that allow users to interact with and make sense of the data. Visualizers often offer customization options for creating informative and actionable displays of data. Here you can use Jaeger to produce detailed visualizations. As well as, view node and version details.

Working with your stack in APM

To find where you’d view your stack in Logit.io’s application performance monitoring. From the initial dashboard, scroll down to find application performance monitoring (APM), here you can view your entire stack. There’s a fair amount of information in this section so we have broken it down for you.

Stack Plan

Firstly, directly below the application performance monitoring heading you’ll find ‘stack plan.’ This will detail your stack plan subscription, including how many spans per month and the retention time period.

Open Telemetry

Below the stack plan you will see the heading ‘Services’ beneath this is Open Telemetry. Here you can copy your endpoint to use with an Open Telemetry collector when configuring and sending data.


The other option under services is Jaeger. From here you can copy yourJaeger endpoint.. Also, if you select the launch button that will take you to Jaeger UI shown below.

Towards the top right of the application performance monitoring (APM) section you will find ‘view data integrations.’ Clicking this link will take you to our source integration tool. This tool has a wide variety of source integrations available for you to use in Logit.io, with detailed and easy-to-follow instructions to seamlessly integrate your data into our platform.

View Statistics

To the right of ‘view data integrations’ you’ll find ‘view statistics.’ Clicking this link will take you to a detailed page that will outline various statistics for your stack. This will include, spans over time, historic usage, APM count and the usage table.

Manage Stack in APM

To the far right of the APM section, you will find the ‘manage stack’ button. Clicking this link will take you to your stack details, from here you can view your stack version information as well as other capabilities.

Within this section, you can rebuild or delete your stack, if necessary. You can also, manage the data storage region for your Logit.io stacks, read more about this here. As well as this, you can view your stack ID and your spans per month according to your current plan.

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